The disposable bladder irrigator is mainly used in the urology department of hospitals for the following purposes: 1. Medical related applications (1) Preventing and treating infections Prevention of infection: For patients who have undergone urological surgeries such as cystoscopy and transurethral bladder tumor resection, using a disposable bladder irrigator for bladder irrigation after surgery can timely remove blood clots, bacteria, and other foreign objects in the bladder, reduce the chance of bacterial growth, and effectively prevent urological infections. Treating infections: When patients suffer from urinary system infections such as cystitis and pyelonephritis, accompanied by a large amount of purulent secretions, bladder flushing can flush out the inflammatory secretions in the bladder. At the same time, antibiotic solution can be used for flushing, which can directly act on the infected area, enhance the effectiveness of anti infection treatment, and promote the resolution of inflammation. (2) Prevention and treatment of bladder bleeding and blood clot formation Washing blood clots: After urological surgery or trauma, bleeding and blood clots may form in the bladder. Blood clots not only damage the bladder mucosa, causing pain and bladder spasms, but may also block the urethra and affect urine excretion. Using a disposable bladder irrigator for continuous or intermittent flushing can promptly flush out small blood clots, prevent blood clot accumulation, and maintain cleanliness and smooth drainage of the bladder. Control bleeding: For some cases of small amounts of bleeding in the bladder, bladder flushing can be used to maintain low pressure in the bladder, reducing blood leakage from the bleeding site. At the same time, certain components in the flushing fluid (such as hemostatic drugs) can also play a role in local hemostasis, helping to control bleeding. 2. Application of examination and preoperative preparation (1) Assist in diagnosis Obtaining specimens: When diagnosing some urinary system diseases, it is sometimes necessary to obtain urine or tissue samples from the bladder for examination. The use of disposable bladder irrigators can first flush the bladder, remove impurities from the bladder, and then collect relatively pure urine samples for urine routine, urine culture, cytology examination, etc., which helps to improve the accuracy of examination results and provide more reliable basis for disease diagnosis. Observing the condition inside the bladder: Before performing cystoscopy, the bladder is usually rinsed with a bladder irrigator to keep the bladder clean. This allows doctors to observe the shape, color, and presence of lesions of the bladder mucosa more clearly during the examination, improving the diagnostic effect of cystoscopy and helping to detect bladder tumors, stones, ulcers, and other lesions. (2) Preoperative preparation Cleaning the bladder: For patients who require urological surgery, using a bladder irrigator for bladder flushing before surgery can remove bacteria, secretions, and impurities from the bladder, reduce the risk of infection during the surgery, create a relatively clean environment for the surgery, and facilitate smooth operation and postoperative recovery. 3. Nursing related applications Keep the catheter unobstructed: For patients with indwelling catheters, especially those with long-term indwelling catheters, sediment, crystals, and other substances in the urine are prone to adhere to the inner wall of the catheter, leading to catheter blockage. Regularly flushing the bladder with a disposable bladder irrigator can flush out sediment and crystals, prevent urinary catheter blockage, ensure normal urine drainage, alleviate patient pain, and also help prevent urinary system complications. Improving patient comfort: When there is inflammation, foreign bodies, or bleeding in the bladder, bladder symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and pain may occur, causing discomfort to the patient. By flushing the bladder, the damage to the bladder mucosa can be alleviated, these symptoms can be alleviated, patient comfort can be improved, and recovery can be promoted.